Frequently Asked Questions car park booking service

How to change a booking?

To change your booking, all you have to do is open the confirmation e-mail and click on the link it contains. Then click on "Change this booking"
Make your new booking and confirm it.
If you have overpaid, you will be refunded within a maximum of one month.
If the amount is greater, you will need to pay the difference.
On completion of the transaction you will receive a new confirmation e-mail.

How to cancel a booking?

To cancel your booking, all you have to do is open the confirmation e-mail and click on the link it contains. Then click on "Cancel this booking".
You will be refunded for the total amount if you are within the 14-day statutory withdrawal period. The amount will be credited directly to the bank account to which the card used to make the booking is attached.
If you cancel after the 14-day withdrawal period, a charge of €10 incl. VAT will be deducted from the refund to cover administration costs.

NB: Under Article L. 121-21-8-1 of the French Consumer Code, the customer may not make use of this right when the service ordered has begun with his/her agreement before the end of the withdrawal period, and he/she has expressly waived the latter. In this case, a cancellation charge of €10 will be made to cover administration costs.

Which document should I print before coming to the Airport car park?

To be able to use your booking, all you have to do is print the "Car park booking voucher" document attached to the confirmation e-mail. If you do not have a printer, you can also save the document on your smartphone.

What happens at the car park entrance?

Go to the entrance terminal of the reserved car park. After recognition of the license plate entered when ordering a ticket is automatically issued to you. When you recover it the barrier opens. You just have to park your vehicle.

What happens when you leave the car park?

On your return, go to an exit gate with your vehicle. Scan the received ticket, the barrier opens directly if the duration of your parking corresponds to your reservation.

What happens if I exceed the period I have booked for?

If the booked time has expired, an additional charge will be displayed on the exit terminal. You must pay it directly into the exit terminal using your bank card.

The extra charge is calculated on the basis of the hourly tariff applicable in the reserved car park.

Additional parking charges can only be paid into exit terminals, as automatic pay stations do not accept prepaid tickets.

Can I receive my confirmation e-mail a second time?

Yes, just send an e-mail to with your details and the booking dates. You will receive a copy with a maximum of 48 hours

Where can I find a plan of the car parks?

You can see a plan of the car parks by clicking on this link:

Will someone be there when I arrive?

We have teams present to answer your questions at the Parking desk in the departures area of the airport terminal. You can also contact them using the intercom (call button) at the entry/exit barriers of all our car parks.

If you are arriving at a time when there is no-one present, we will tell you what to do by e-mail.

Where can I read the General Terms of Sale concerning parking space bookings?

You can see the General Terms of Sale for parking space bookings by clicking on this link:

How long before I travel should I book my parking space?

Parking space bookings can be made up to six months in advance. The booking period must correspond to the length of the trip.

I do not know my flight times: can I book a parking space anyway?

We advise you to make your booking once you have your flight times, so as to avoid having to change it.

However, if you wish to book anyway, you can for example book a period from 9 a.m. on the day you leave to 8 p.m. on the day you return. You can then alter it if necessary.
(cf. section "How to change or cancel a booking?").

How to book a disabled space (space reserved for a GIG-GIC card holder)?

You should make your booking, then send an e-mail to this address: to inform us that you require a disabled space, giving your name, booking number and the car park chosen.

Who should I contact if I have any other questions?

You can send an e-mail to this address: